Recordings of Past Programs

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Nave of Hammat Tiberias


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Rachel Harris

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Last Train to Auschowitz book cover

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Eliyana Adler's book Survival On the Margins

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Professor Samantha Baskin discussing Superman's Jewish roots

Seven Ohio State faculty members offer basic background and perspectives on the current explosion of conflict in Israel and Gaza.

Speakers will introduce a range of regional and international contexts from their different disciplinary perspectives:

Moderator: Dorothy Noyes, Mershon Center

Peter Hahn, History - State-level historical and diplomatic background; what is Hamas?

Ori Yehudai, History -  Ground-level coexistence since establishment of state of Israel

Joy McCorriston, Anthropology - Ground-level Palestinian experience since 1948

Johanna Sellman, Near Eastern and South Asian Language and Cultures - Arab regional and diasporic views, seen through culture

Christopher Gelpi, Political Science - Western and Israeli public opinion

Peter Mansoor, History - Military perspective and prospects

Kelly Garrett, Communication -  Information, misinformation, and disinformation in wartime

The event was organized by the Mershon Center for International Security Studies with the collaboration of the Department of History, the Melton Center for Jewish Studies, the Middle Eastern Studies Center, and the Department of Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures.

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Photo of Blackness in Israel book cover

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Image of The Holocaust and the Nakba book cover

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photo of Professor Jessica Marglin