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Emeritus Faculty

Alan Beyerchen
PhD, University of California-Santa Barbara
MA,University of California-Santa Barbara
BA,University of California-Santa Barbara

Professor Beyerchen taught nineteenth and twentieth century German history. His publications range from studies of the early 19th century military theorist Carl von Clausewitz, through the cultural matrix of science and technology in the German Empire, to the complex political environment of scientists in the Third Reich, to the economic competitiveness of German industry at the end of the 20th century. 

Helen Fehervary (of blessed memory)
German literature
PhD, University of Wisconsin 1975
M.A. Brown University 1966

Professor Fehervary had a long and distinguished career in German literary studies. Not only has she published extensively about various German authors, including many Holocaust-related topics, but she was also an author herself who has been invited often to read her own work for audiences. In recent years Helen devoted her scholarship to the Jewish German writer Anna Seghers. Professor Fehervary also wrote extensively about twentieth-century Jewish German and Central European intellectual history and critical theory, as well as Jewish contributions to Modern German drama, theatre and film.

Carole Fink
PhD, Yale University
BA and MA, Bard University

Carole Fink, a scholar of International History, Modern European History, and Historiography, joined The Ohio State University faculty in 1991, received the university's Distinguished Scholar Award in 2007, and retired as Humanities Distinguished Professor History Emerita in 2011. Her recent publications includeCold War: An International History (3rd ed. 2022); West Germany and Israel: Foreign Relations, Domestic Politics, and the Cold War, 1965-1974 (2019); and Writing 20th Century International History: Explorations and Examples(2017). She is also the author of Defending the Rights of Others: The Great Powers, the Jews, and International Minority Protection, 1878-1938 (2004) and The Genoa Conference: European Diplomacy 1921-1922 (1984, new ed. 1993), both of which were awarded the George Louis Beer Prize of the American Historical Association for the best work that year in European International History, as well as of Marc Bloch: A Life in History (1989), the first biography of France’s soldier-patriot-historian, which has been translated into six languages. 

Steven Fink
PhD, University of Washington
MA, Columbia University
BA, University of California, Berkeley

Professor Fink is a specialist in nineteenth- and twentieth-century American and Jewish American literatures. Professor Fink has taught a wide range of courses in Jewish American literature, including Jewish American and African American literatures; Jewish American immigrant literature; Jewish American Holocaust and post-Holocaust fiction; contemporary Jewish fiction; and Jewish graphic novels.  Professor Fink is the author of Prophet in the Marketplace: Thoreau's Development as a Professional Writer; co-editor of Reciprocal Influences: Literary Production, Distribution, and Consumption in America; past editor of the journal American Periodicals; and the author of numerous articles on American and Jewish American literature.  He was the 2011 Andrea and Charles Bronfman Distinguished Visiting Professor in Judaic Studies at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.

Evelyn Freeman
PhD, The Ohio State University

Professor Freeman is Dean Emerita of The Ohio State University at Mansfield, and Professor Emerita in the School of Teaching and Learning.  She currently serves as Special Assistant for International Programs in the College of Education and Human Ecology.  Her areas of expertise include teacher education, children's literature, and elementary literacy. She received a BA in Sociology from Chatham College, an MA in Educational Psychology from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Early and Middle Childhood Education from The Ohio State University.  Dr. Freeman has co-authored four books, many book chapters, and numerous scholarly articles.  She has presented widely at conferences both in the United States and internationally in such locations as South Africa, Hungary, Argentina, and Chile. She is former co-editor of Bookbird: a Journal of International Children's Literature. 

Donna Guy
Ph.D., Indiana University

Professor Guy taught and published about  women's history, history of sexuality, Latin American history, history of Jews in Latin America, Argentine history, and economic history. Professor Guy wrote numerous books and articles including From Private Acts to Public Identities: Teaching the History of Sexuality Since the Eighteenth Century (2000), and Sex and Danger in Buenos Aires: Prostitution, Family, and Nation in Argentina (1991), among others. Her articles have appeared in Latin American Research Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Journal of Women's History, Business History Review, Gender and History, and Business History Review, among others.

Jane Hathaway
PhD, Near Eastern Studies, Princeton
M.A. and B.A. University of Texas

Professor Hathaway is an expert on the Ottoman Empire before the nineteenth century, particularly the Arab provinces. She has published on Ottoman reactions to Jewish messianism in Egypt and Yemen, and on Jewish economic activity as exemplified in Geniza documents. Professor Hathaway’s research is conducted in Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic as well as Turkish, Arabic and various European languages. Her regular course offerings include Jewish Communities under Muslim Rule; Intellectual and Social Movements in the Muslim World; The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1800; Early Islamic Society, 610-1258; and courses in world history. She is currently working on a major project on the Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman imperial harem.

Stuart Lishan
Jewish American Literature
PhD, University of Utah

Stuart (S.D.) Lishan is the author of three novels, most recently Miss Emily’s Book of Spells (Book of the First Part: Where I Escape From Slavery, and Encounter Many and Sundry Adventures as I travel North and Come to Meet Miss Emily Dickinson at Last) by Hechizar Spelwomnn. His other novels include Between Us & Spiritland and Lightseeder. He is also the author of a book of poems, Body Tapestries, published by Dream Horse Press, a winner of its Orphic Prize for poetry. His fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry have been published in numerous literary magazines and anthologies, such as the Kenyon Review; New England Review; Arts & Letters; Creative Nonfiction, Brevity; The Literati Quarterly; and Literature, the Human Experience.


Sam Meier
Bible studies
PhD., Harvard University in Hebrew and Semitic Languages and Literatures

Professor Meier received his PhD from Harvard University (1987) in Hebrew and Semitic Languages and Literatures.  He began teaching at the Ohio State University in 1986 in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, and is the author of The Messenger in the Ancient Semitic World (1988), Speaking of Speaking: Marking Direct Discourse in Biblical Hebrew (1992), and Themes and Transformations in Old Testament Prophecy (2009).  He also serves as adjunct professor of History, where he teaches the History of Ancient Israel. Among honors that he has received, he has been a guest at the Rockefeller Study and Conference Center in Bellagio (Italy), has been the Edwards Lecturer in Philosophy and Religion, was recognized as the Bronfmann Distinguished Visiting Professor of Jewish Studies (College of William and Mary), and has received the Ohio State University Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award, as well as the Rodica C. Botoman Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring.  He is presently engaged in research in the Deuteronomistic History and prophecy in ancient Israel.

Jan Radzynski
Music Composition
DMA, Yale University
MM, MMA, Yale University
BM, Tel Aviv University
Artist Diploma, Tel Aviv University

Professor Radzynski left his native Poland in 1969. He studied composition with Leon Schidlowsky at the Tel Aviv University Academy of Music, and with Krzysztof Penderecki and Jacob Druckman at Yale University. He taught at Yale University before joining Ohio State in 1994. Dr. Radzynski's awards include a Creative Work and Research Grant from the Rothschild Foundation, The Ohio State University Faculty Seed Grant, Individual Artist Grants from the Connecticut Commission on the Arts and the Ohio Arts Council, ASCAP Standard Awards, Frederick W. Hilles Publication Grant, Mellon Fellowship, Yale University Griswold Research Grants, and the Summer Residency at the Foundation Artist's House, Boswil, Switzerland.

Tamar Rudavsky
Medieval Jewish and Scholastic Philosophy
Jewish and Islamic philosophy
Phenomenology and Existentialism
PhD, Brandeis University (Jewish Philosophy)


Maimonides (Great Minds Series in philosophy) (Blackwell-Wiley Press: 2010).
The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy: From Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century, co-edited with S. Nadler (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Time Matters: Time, Creation and Cosmology in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Albany, New York: SUNY Press, February, 2000.
Gender and Judaism: Tradition and Transformation,(ed), New York: NYU Press, 1995.
Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy, (ed.), Dordrecht: D.Reidel, Synthese Historical Library, 1985.
Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Science, Philosophy and Religion; Oxford University Press, 2018.

Goldie Shabad
Political Science
PhD, University of Chicago

Professor Shabad has research interests in the transition to and consolidation of democracy in Southern and Central Europe, elite and mass political behavior, the development of new party systems, and ethnic nationalism. Her publications include Spain After Franco:The Making of a Competitive Party System (1986), and Crisis y Cambio (1987), as well as numerous chapters in edited volumes and articles. Her current research projects focus on popular support for democracy in Poland, the emergence of new political elites in Central Europe, and elections, party systems and accountability in Central and Eastern Europe.

Stewart Shapiro
PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo, with distinction
MA, SUNY at Buffalo (Mathematics)
BA, Case Western Reserve University (Mathematics and Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude

Professor Shapiro specializes in logic, philosophy of logic, and philosophy of mathematics.  His current research deals with the structuralist philosophy of mathematics, the historical development of logic, and the relationship between modality and ontology in accounts of mathematics. Professor Shapiro has taught courses in logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, Marxism, aesthetics, Jewish philosophy, and medical ethics.

Amy Shuman
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
MA, University of Pennsylvania
BA, University of California-Santa Cruz

Amy Shuman is the author of articles on conversational narrative, literacy, political, food customs, feminist theory and critical theory and of Storytelling Rights: The Uses of Oral and Written Texts by Urban Adolescents; Other People's Stories: Entitlement Claims and the Critique of Empathy; and (with Carol Bohmer) Rejecting Refugees: Political Asylum in the 21st Century. Shuman is a Guggenheim Fellow and fellow at the Hebrew University Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem. She is a recipient of the College of Humanities Exemplary Faculty Award, 2007; the Ohio State Distinguished Scholar Award, 2015; and the Ohio State Distinguished teaching award, 2016.

David Stein
Adult Education, Distance Learning
(PhD, University of Michigan)

Professor Stein's work centers on three elements important to the working adult, adult centered of formal learning organizations, ie post secondary, access and availability, and use of formal learning opportunities. His recent research has focused on how working adult learners make decisions concerning participation, choice, and use of technology in learning settings (formal, nonformal, informal).

Donald Sylvan
Political Science
PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BA, Northwestern University

Herb Weisberg
Political Science
PhD, Political Science, University of Michigan
BA, Political Science, University of Minnesota

Professor Weisberg taught in the Department of Political Science at Ohio State University.  His research and teaching interests include voting behavior, legislative politics, survey research, and statistical methods.  He has authored several books, including The American Voter Revisited and The Total Survey Error Approach.  He is former co-edit of the American Journal of Political Science.  He was recently a visiting fellow at the University of Michigan’s Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies.  In his current research project on “The Distinctive Jewish-American Voter,” he is using survey data to examine Jewish voting patterns since the 1950s.