Student Conference, Travel and Research
(Applications Accepted Year-round)
Each year the Melton Center allocates up to $600 of total support for which students may apply in the following areas:
- Travel to an academic conference in which the student delivers a paper on a topic related to Jewish Studies; up to $100 is available for travel to a Jewish Studies conference in which a student does not read a paper.
- Travel or research that is clearly related to a major project in Jewish Studies that forms part of the student's academic program.
Eligibility Requirements
- Current enrollment as an undergraduate at Ohio State and continued enrollment for the following year
- Applicants must have completed two courses in an area of Jewish Studies
Application Requirements:
- Completed application form
- Detailed budget including program expenses and travel, including the dollar amount you are are able to contribute.
- A copy of an Advising Report
- Two letters of recommendation from faculty members. Electronic letters of recommendation are acceptable
- A one-page statement about the conference or intended area of research
Please send application materials to kosstrin.1@osu.edu.
Education Abroad
Ohio State's Office of International Affairs offers numerous study abroad programs in over 40 different countries, and the Melton Center offers generous scholarships to Hebrew University and a scholarship to students who wish to study Yiddish or German abroad (preference given to those who wish to study Yiddish).