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Faculty Travel and Research

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Personal Information

Section A: Travel and Fees
Fill out Section A if travel is involved in your proposed research project. If not, please skip ahead to Section B.

Section A
Please attach appropriate documentation.

Please attach invitation to speak at a conference, acceptance of a paper, etc.). All documents must be in PDF format.

Upload requirements

Travel Authorization

Your home department is responsible for obtaining a Travel # with estimated travel expenses through the University Travel Office.On rare occasions, The Melton Center may issue a Travel #.

If you are awarded funding from the Melton Center, please ask your home department Fiscal Associate to get in touch with Lori Fireman (fireman.2@osu.edu) to process the transfer of awarded funds.

Do you wish Melton Center to obtain travel authorization for this trip
Select one of the following statements
Travel expenses plus registration fees and other expenses.

Section B: Project/Event Detail

Section B

All files must be in PDF format. If you don't have a budget to upload, please use the box below to list out your relevant budget expenses.

Upload requirements
List expenses
a)Supported Project Personnel (b)Fringe Benefits (c)Equipment (d) Speaker Expenses (e) Material and Supplies (f)Publication Cost/Reproduction/Dissemination (g) Computer Services (h) Fees for Licensing/Copyright, etc.
Required Documents

All documents must be in PDF format.

Upload requirements

All documents must be in PDF format.

Upload requirements
All documents must be in PDF format.
Expenses Covered By Other Soursces
No other source
Faculty and staff are encouraged to request travel support from their home department, and any other source available.