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Faculty and Staff Funding


The Melton Center supports faculty conducting scholarly research or presenting findings in any area of Jewish studies. The program is specifically designed to promote research activities. It does not fund program or curriculum development. 

Funding Availability

Each year the Melton Center allocates a maximum amount of support for which each board member may apply. It is expected that faculty will also seek funding from their College, department, campus institutes, or other appropriate sources in addition to applying to the Melton Center. Examples of appropriate spending include travel costs to research sites, personnel cost, preparation of surveys and questionnaires, and purchase of needed materials.

Review Process

Pending sufficient funding, the maximum amount per faculty and staff for the fiscal year 2023/2024: up to $1,000 for conference travel or research. The Faculty Services Committee will assign a level of funding to each request, based on the individual’s type of participation at the funded event.  The level of reimbursement of total expenses will be based on the activity scale outlined below, and will be adjusted each year according to the availability of funds and the demand.
The highest level of funding will be accorded to individuals required to attend meetings as formal program participants, e.g., those presenting papers or serving as moderators or panel members pertaining to Jewish Studies. The current support for this level is up to $,1000. A medium level of funding will be granted to those who are appointed or elected members of committees, editorial boards, boards of directors, etc. which have a regular meeting at a conference pertaining to Jewish Studies. The current support for this level is $400.00. The lowest level of funding will be given to individual's requests for support for attendance at professional meetings pertaining to Jewish Studies without participation. The current support for this level is a maximum of $200.00 per year.

Travel Policy 

Travelers must apply to the center for funds at least one month before traveling. No reimbursements can be made for travel if a Spend Authorization Number (SA#) has not been obtained for the trip before your date of departure. Board members are encouraged to request travel support from their home department and any other sources available. If some or all of the funds requested are earmarked for travel, board members will normally arrange a T-number with their home departments.  Any approved Melton Center funds will be forwarded to that individual’s account in the home department. If a board member needs the Melton Center to request a T-number and process receipts, please explain the reason on the application. 

Documentation and Budget Guidelines

Receipts are required for all reimbursements. Monies not expended by the end of the fiscal year will return to the program unless adequate rationale for extension of the grant period is presented in advance.

The budget  must detail all expenditures the board member is requesting of the Melton Center, including personnel costs, travel and lodging, conference fees, equipment, and materials. (Equipment, books, and other purchases technically belong to The Ohio State University. Please consult with the Melton Center or College office for more information.) Each expenditure should be justified. The narrative section of the application should include a rationale, objectives, and a time line. Publications resulting from activities carried out under this program should acknowledge the support of the Melton Center for Jewish Studies. If at all possible, please provide a copy of those publications which will be made available in the Melton Center library.

Applications must be submitted online.