Jonathan Branfman ‘19 PhD (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies) published the monograph Millennial Jewish Stars: Navigating Racial Antisemitism, Masculinity, and White Supremacy with NYU Press (2024). As a student, Dr. Branfman lectured at the Wexner Heritage Village’s Creekside at the Village and won first prize in the graduate division of the Charlotte Susan Roth Memorial Fund Essay Contest. He is currently the Eli Reinhard Postdoctoral Fellow in the Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford University.

Tamara McCarty ‘24 PhD (dance studies) published “Antisemitism, Dance, and the Law in the Late Medieval Holy Roman Empire” in postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies 14, no. 2 (2023). The article was awarded the 2024 Stevens Prize from the Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society for the best new essay in early drama studies. As a student, Dr. McCarty held the 2021–2022 Samuel M. Melton Graduate Fellowship and won second place in the graduate division of the Charlotte Susan Roth Memorial Fund Essay Contest. She is currently a lecturer in the Department of Contemporary Dance at the Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design in North Cyprus.
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