All sessions will be held at Sullivant Hall. Convenient parking in the Ohio Union garage.
The Jewish Dance Symposium is part of the Dance Studies Association conference, the annual international conference for the professional organization for the field of dance studies.
Session 1: Jewish Traces, National Contexts, 8:00 am-9:30 am
Barnett Theater
Session 2: Jewish Discourse and Mobility, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Barnett Theater
Session Chair: Judith Brin Ingber, Independent Scholar
Presenters and presentation titles:
Hannah Schwadron, Florida State University: I, Thou, It, Us – Duet Dynamics and (Jewish) Structures for Change
Rebecca Pappas, Ball State University – Always Already: The Jewish Body as Victim and Victimizer
Session 2 will be followed by a group discussion led by Judith Brin Ingber: Contemporary directions in Jewish dance scholarship with Janice Ross, Rebecca Rossen, Hannah Schwadron, Rebecca Pappas, and Naomi Jackson
Session 3: Transmitting Pedagogies and Philosophies, 12:30 pm-2:00 pm
Room 390 (dance studio)
Session Chair: Susan Petry, The Ohio State University
Presenters and presentation titles:
James Graham, University of California, Berkeley – The Book is my Body: Demystifying the Improvisational Pedagogy of Gaga (Lecture-Demonstration)
Kimerer L LaMothe, Independent Scholar – Speaking the Words: Performing Dance Philosophy (Lecture-Demonstration)
RSVP by October 20: fireman.2@osu.edu. Free and open to the public.
Attendees are invited to Parallel Connections, a dance concert collaboration between the Wexner Center, BalletMet, and OSU Dance featuring the work of internationally renowned Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin, Jamie Kudelka, William Forsythe, and Merce Cunningham. For concert times, more information, and tickets: http://wexarts.org/performing-arts/parallel-connections.