Note time change to 5:00 PM
Shachar Pinsker, Professor of Hebrew Literature and Culture at the University of Michigan, will discuss how Jewish modernity was born in the café, nourished, and sent out into the world by way of print, politics, literature, art, and theater. What was experienced and created in the space of the coffeehouse touched thousands who read, saw, and imbibed a modern culture that redefined what it meant to be a Jew in the world. Coffee and food will be served, of course!
Free and open to the public. Space is limited.
RSVP to Shirly Mizrachi by Friday, February 28.
Professor Pinsker will also give a campus lecture on March 4 from 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM in Room 015, Enarson Classroom Building, 2009 Millikin Rd, Columbus, OH 43210. The Tuttle Park Place garage is within walking distance of the building.
Co-sponsored by OSU Hillel and supported by the Thomas and Diann Mann Symposium fund and the Norbert and Gretel B. Bloch Endowed Scholarship Fund in Jewish Studies.