Autumn 2025 Courses

The Department of Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Literatures (NESA) oversees the Jewish studies and Hebrew majors and minors, and the Jewish Oral History Minor.

revised 03/10/2025

For more information on these courses, contact department listing the course by clicking on the subject heading.



If you are age 60+, you can take these courses free of charge.  *subject to change 
3252.02The Holocaust in German Literature and FilmTR 11:10–12:30Richards
3254HRepresentations and Memory of the Holocaust in FilmWF 9:35–10:55aTBA
1100.01Elementary Hebrew ITWRF 11:30a–12:25p and TWRF 12:40–1:35pGolan
1103.01Intermediate Hebrew ITWRF 10:20–11:15aGolan
2241HCulture of Contemporary IsraelMW 3:55–5:15pTanenbaum
2700 (Cross-listed with Jewish Studies 2700)Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old TestamentTR 2:20–3:40pMoore
3245 (Cross-listed with Jewish Studies 3245)Israeli Film and SocietyTR 9:35–10:55aBrenner
3704 (Cross-listed with Jewish Studies 3704)Women in the Bible and BeyondTR 7:05–8:25pTBA
2221Introduction to the New Testament: History and LiteratureMWF 10:20–11:15Harrill
2453 (Cross-listed with Jewish Studies 2453)History of Zionism and Modern IsraelTR 9:35–10:55aYehudai
2745 (Cross-listed with Jewish Studies 2745)History of the HolocaustWF 12:45–2:05pJudd
3218Paul & His Influence in Early ChristianityWF 12:45–2:05pHarrill
3480 (Cross-listed with Jewish Studies 3480)Israel/Palestine: History of the PresentTR 12:45–2:05pYehudai
5229Special Topics in Ancient Christianity: Paul and His InfluenceWF 12:45–2:05pHarrill
2201Introduction to Jewish Thought, Culture, and PracticeTR 3:55–5:15pTanenbaum
2241Yiddish CultureWF 11:10–12:30TBA
2242HCulture of Contemporary IsraelMW 3:55–5:15pTanenbaum
2453 (Cross-listed with History 2453)History of Zionism and Modern IsraelTR 9:35–10:55aYehudai
2700 (Cross-listed with Hebrew 2700)Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old TestamentTR 2:20–3:40pMoore
2745 (Cross-listed with History 2745)History of the HolocaustWF 12:45–2:05pJudd
3245 (Cross-listed with NELC 3245)Israeli Film and SocietyTR 9:35–10:55aBrenner
3480 (Cross-listed with History 3480)Israel/Palestine: History of the PresentTR 12:45–2:05pYehudai
3704 (Cross-listed with Hebrew 3704)Women in the Bible and BeyondTR 7:05–8:25pTBA
3025 (Cross-listed with SASIA 3025)Citizenship and Diaspora: Living Between Countries and CulturesWF 2:20–3:40p; F 3:55–4:55p; WF 3:00–4:20p; W 4:35–5:15pBrenner/Nagar
3667 (Cross-listed with Religious Studies 3667)Messages from Beyond: Divination, Prophesy, and the Occult in Religion and CultureTR 9:35–10:55aFrank
5125Syriac IW 2:15–5:00pMoore
4318The Politics of International TerrorismTR 9:35–10:55aSylvan
2370Introduction to Comparative ReligionMW 12:40–1:35pWeiner
3667 (Cross-listed with NELC 3667)Messages from Beyond: Divination, Prophesy, and the Occult in Religion and CultureTR 9:35–10:55aFrank
3680Religion and Law in Comparative PerspectiveMW 9:35–10:55aWeiner
1101Yiddish ITR 11:10a–12:30pTBA
2241Yiddish CultureWF 11:10a–12:30pTBA
3399The Holocaust in Yiddish Writing and FilmTR 2:20–3:40p (online), M 2:20–3:15TBA